Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Daily blog day who knows what day - 23/09/2015

Today we were doing experements in science class today and here's  what we were doing. We put smarties into paper plate and add water and watch. What would happen is the Smarties would lose its colour and the colour would get put in the water. Super cool try it!

 Here are the instructions:
-Put the smarties into the center of the plate
-Take 50 ml of water
-Put the 50 ml of water onto the plate
-Wait and watch


Monday, September 21, 2015

The great chase.

Today I wrote a story about a cat whose name was Holly. It took me 20 minutes. Hope you enjoy! Here is the link: the great chase


Monday, September 14, 2015

Daily blog day ? - 14/09/15

Yesterday I worked on staining the back porch and here are the details. I started and was making some progress and each strip of wood that I did my dad would complement me on that piece of wood We made greaat progress and were done pretty quick and my dad was so happy that I helped him now the deck looks great and I have something to remember what my dad and I did when I was a kid. Stain the deck.


Friday, September 11, 2015

Daily blog day 4- 11/09/15

Today I went to school with a deck of cards for doing magic tricks. After school I got into my clothes and packed my bag for hockey. We won our hocky game and now I have to help around the house.


Thursday, September 10, 2015

Daily Blog Day 3 - 10/09/15

Today I woke up and went to school. School was sort of boring but at recess I was doing card tricks. When I came home I told my mom about the homework I had and then did my homework. After I compleated my lego candy machine/dispenser. I made my bed did my physical challenge blog and piano. Another good day.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Daily Blog 2 - 09/09/15

Today I woke up and made Dana and I lunch. I made honey sandwiches. At school I got my new classrooms. I am with Mme Katy this year. Unfortunately Dana lost her lunchbox at school and she is very upset. I did fifty pushups and I made my bed and did piano and homework and now my blog.


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Daily Blog 1 - 08/09/15

Today I went to school. Booooooooo! Only for an hour. After school we went home and I set up my stuff I'll need for school. Now my daily blog and then my physical challenge...

Day 1 photo

Saturday, August 15, 2015

RockRidge Canyon day 1

Day 1 : Saturday,August 1 2015...  
Day 1, we arrive at RockRidge and go to our lodge and select our bunk. Then we start exploring. The first thing I do is go to the swimming pool. Afterwards Dad got a space on a boat to do wake surfing. We come back to the dorm to find that they messed up the dorm rooms so we lost the bunks we had chosen. We met our friends and then went to the games room. In the games room there was pool tables ping pong tables and some Foosball tables We had a lot of fun and then it was time for dinner. We had turkey dinner. There was a Hawaiian beach party and then we went to our lodge and played cheat until 11 at night.

Stay tuned


Saturday, August 8, 2015

RockRidge Canyon day 2

Day 2 : Saturday, August 2 2015...
Day 2, I wake up at 6:20 and go outside into the lobby and play some solitaire. Soon my friends come outside and play cheat. (around 7:20) Soon we head off to the games room and then to breakfast. For breakfast there were danishes, and sausages (lunch & dinner we had a server but at breakfast it was a buffet) After the camp did pool Olympics. The events were :
1. Lily pad racing. For this event you had to run across the floating "Lily pads" and try to go the farthest.
2. Finding the rubber ducks. For this event we had to go in the water and get as many rubber ducks as possible in 1 minute.
3. The chicken dive. For this event you had to dive/jump into the water while hitting a rubber chicken and the person go gets the farthest wins.
4. Jousting. For this event the teams had to pick 2 adults (1 male 1 female) and standing on the same stuff as the lily pads (except bigger) and try to knock the other person off their big lily pad.
5. Team volleyball. For this event the teams were 3of the teams against the 3 other teams. You had to throw the floating objects over a net an in to the other teams territory.
For the events (except for volleyball) there was a certain amount of contestants. I didn't participate in these events
After the pool Olympics, we went to the games room until lunch. Lunch was Pasta and we had the choice of alfredo sauce or meat sauce. (The sauces were on the table so if you really wanted it you could have it plain) After lunch we went wake surfing and after that we went on the zipline. I went back to the games room until  dinner. For dinner there were ribs. There was also a choice if chicken fingers. I had the chicken fingers. We went to club after dinner and was told there was a Mexican party at the ball hockey rink. Me and my friends went to the teen event and went back to the lodge to play cheat. We played until ??:?? and then went to bed

Day 3 is on its way. Stay tuned,


Saturday, August 1, 2015

Daily Mile Daily Smile Important message

Yesterday July 31 was very important. it was Marathon day! 26miles, 20.8 Km. My time was 6:50. For this time I was trying to get my Personal best, 6:41 because I didn't want my overall marathon time to go over 3:15:00 Luckily it wasn't and my time was 3:12:11 (but I  didn't do them all together)
Distance 1.6 my Pace Per Km was  04:16 My average Pace Per Km was 04:18 Now I am starting another Marathon but Keeping the distance.

Stay tuned,


Here is the link to the new Published Spread sheet Daily Mile Daily Smile Spread Sheet 

Swimming lessons level 8

Yesterday was the last day of swimming lessons. We started with doing some diving, then we did some races on mats, then we did some swimming and relays until the end of class.
We got our report cards and I passed swim kids 8!

Stay tuned,


Thursday, July 30, 2015


A few days ago I swam a long distance. I swam 1 km! For details keep reading.

Stuff you should know.

Kitsolano pool 1 lap     = 275m
Hillcrest  pool 1 lap      = 50m
Hillcrest  pool 1 length = 25m
Details                                                                  Event distance                                    Total distance

First I swam a lap at Kits pool before lessons              275m                                                     275m
Next I did my swimming lessons distance swim          300m                                                     575m
Then we went to Hillcrest pool and did 1 lap                50m                                                     625m
Immediately did a second lap                                        50m                                                     675m
Immediately did a third lap                                            50m                                                     725m
Immediately did a fourth lap                                         50m                                                      775m
Immediately did a fifth lap                                            50m                                                      825m
Immediately did a sixth lap                                           50m                                                      875m
Immediately did a seventh lap                                      50m                                                      925m
Immediately did a EIGHTH lap                                    50m                                                      975m
and finaly did a length                                                   25m       1km/1000m/100000cm/1000000mm

The km was fun

Stay tuned,


Saturday, July 25, 2015

Fun from Michaels

Today we were going going to the pool at the university in Kamloops, but it had closed because there was a leak in the main pipe below the pool so they had to drain the water. So we went to Michaels for an activity. We got wax sticks!

Here are some pictures of the things me and Dana made. 

 The first one made!! ⬆

A lady bug. ⬆


Pretty obvious.

 And swimmey 😢

Stay tuned 


Thursday, July 23, 2015

Daily report - Kamloops!!

Today we were lucky and didn't have to go up the canyon. Today went as following :

1. Wake up
2. Breakfast 
3. Mile Smile
4. Do compost
5. Put garbage in garbage can
6. Put all he stuff in the car
7. Drive to swimming lessons 
8. Swim
9. Drive to Abbotsford while eating lunch
10. Get gas
11. Drive to rest stop
12. Use rest stop 
13. Drive to Kamloops 
14. Go to grandma Hinke's house
15. No one home drive to grandpa Jim's house
16. Visit grandpa Jim
17. Drive back to grandma Hinke's house
18. Stay at grandma Hinke's house
19. Eat dinner
20. Play games
21. Go to sleep

These are the 21 things I did today it was a good day.

Stay tuned,


Monday, July 20, 2015

Kids Kan Kook - 2

Today we are making Bossk Brownies. Here are the ingredients in case you want to make them :
Here are some pictures of the brownies :

The Mikos were a great help. Hopefully the brownies turn out well. 

Stay tuned for more recipies/meals


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Bike Adventure

Today Mom, Dana, Dad and I went down to kits (at 11:30 but reached kits at 12:15) to watch Ryan play wheelchair tennis. When we got there Ryan was winning and won in the end. I was very helpful. I went to Segal's to get some lunch. After we went with Sheri to Stanly Park by going around Vanier park and onto the burrard bridge and around the seawall to the park. We found the Lions Gate Bridge and went over top of it under it and on both sides(in Vancouver) and finally over it. Then we went to a Vietnamese for Dinner. We got spring rolls, Salad rolls, beef and noodles and chicken on a skewer. The only problem was that instead of salad rolls we got spicy chicken. Then we went to Ambleside to take a picture and then back over the bridge. Sheri went home when we reached Prospect point because it was getting late and me and Dana had ice cream. We biked home and arrived at 8:35. I had a bowl of noodles and then did my Daily Mile Daily Smile

Stay tuned


Daily Mile Daily Smile Day 13

Today is the half marathon day! My time 7:27 Distance 1.6 PPK 4:39. If you havent seen it already, here is the link for my spreadsheet: Daily Mile Daily Smile Spreadsheet
I ran this after eating a big bowl of instant noodles.

Stay tuned 


Friday, July 17, 2015

Last day of swimming

Today is the last day of swimming lessons. Today is the day that we recive our report cards. To day is the day where we see if we passed to the next level. For Dana and I that would be level 7 to 8. I think I'm doing pretty well. I dont know what's going to happen. Hopefully I pass and go to level 8.

Stay tuned for more daily reports


Thursday, July 16, 2015

Book Club 1

Today we had our first book club. The book was called 'The Witch's Boy'. I had thought of the idea when I first read the book because it was very interesting and very good. We had snacks and and drinks. My mom had questions that we all answerd. We have decided on the book for our next book club. The bokk is called 'The Power of Poppy Pendle'. I sugjest that you read The Witch's Boy. It is really good.

stay tuned for more news on book club,


Warriors : Bluestar's Prophecy - Erin Hunter

This book is about a cat named Bluestar. She is the leader of ThunderClan. It tells how she became leader and the prophecy she received from Goosefeather: Like fire, You will blaze through the forest. She started as Bluekit and she was getting into trouble. Soon she became an apprentice and was named Bluepaw. She was a good apprentice, but in a battle with WindClan, her mother Moonflower was killed. She put it behind her and became a warrior, Bluefur. Her sister Snowpaw also became a warrior and was named Snowfur. Snowfur got killed by getting hit by a car. Bluefur gave up her children to become the deputy of ThunderClan and eventually leader. At the end of the book a house cat named Rusty. Bluestar made him an apprentice and called him Firepaw. 

Favorite part 
My favorite part was when she caught a squirrel on her first try.

It was a good book and very interesting but I think it could have had more action to it.

Stay tuned for more book reports


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Kids Kan Kook - 1=Success

Kids Kan Kook was a success. It went all as planned. There was only one problem but I will talk about it later. We invited Sheri to eat with our food. I made the sandwiches with salami. The problem was that I fell asleep for most of the Kooking. The food was still really good though. After she timed us at the track for our Daily Mile Daily Smile. Then we went to Dairy Queen. So after all our work we made a good meal.

Sty tuned for more updates


Daily Mile Daily Smile day 7

Another fast run. I had to slow down again to not get a Pb. My time was 7:49 distance 1.6 PPk 4:53 

Stay tuned for more stats 

Ps: Remember to check the Spreadsheet
on Daily Mile Daily Smile day 5


Daily Mile Daily Smile day 6

Today was good run. Before the run I went on a 27 Km bike and I had alot of energy to run. I had to slow down at the finish line to not get a Pb as time 7:49 distance 1.6 Km Pace per Km 4:53 

Stay tuned for more stats.



Sunday, July 12, 2015

Daily Report Day 6

Today was a good day. I started by playing some video games, then my mommy asked me if I wanted to go biking for 27 Km. I agreed because I didn't want my daddy to put me to work. We started at our house and biked to UBC, around the seawall to Vanier park, up cypress (the street) and back home. When we got home we went for our Daily Mile Daily Smile and I had to slow down to not get a Pb and then we went golfing. It was a great day. 

Stay tuned for more Daily Reports


Saturday, July 11, 2015

Daily Mile Daily Smile Day 5

Day 5, wow this has been great, going running every day. My time was 7:50, 1 second under my Pb I actually slowed down to not get a Pb because it's not Monday. distance 1.6 Km , 4:54 was my Pace per Km. 
Here is a link  on a spreadsheet I'm doing on the daily mile daily smile. Daily Mile Daily Smile 

Stay tuned,


Daily Report day 4

Today we went for a walk around the seawall. We brought the Mikos and spent all day playing on playgrounds, walking, and eating. We started around 11:15 and finished around 5:30. We went to Freshbowl for lunch and we brought snacks for our adventure next time we will go in the opposite direction to science world and take the aqua-bus to Hornby and if we have time play at the beach.

Stay tuned 


Friday, July 10, 2015

Daily Mile Daily Smile Day 4

A little better time than yesterday for time 7:56. Distance 1.6. And Pace Per Km 4:57

Stay tuned for more stats


Daily Mile Daily Smile Day 3

Today was day three of the Daily Mile Daily Smile. I took it easy, for time 8:20. Distance 1.6. Pace Per Km 5:12

Stay tuned for more stats


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Kids Kan Kook - 1

Today me and Dana are going to start our kids kan kook. Today we are making chicken noodle soup. Hope it all goes well. I will tell you about our next meal shortly

Stay Tuned


Daily Smile Daily Mile day 2

Today my run was a good run. Today I ran with my sister for the daily mile daily smile. My time was 7:52. 3 seconds over my last time. Distance 1.6 Km. Pace per Km 4:55. Gotta Keep Going.

Stay tuned for more stats


Monday, July 6, 2015

Daily Report day 1

Today was day 1 of swimming lessons in level 7.
I think it went pretty well. Today I went on a bike ride to Pacific Spirit Park. We also made a to do list for things to do this summer.
Today at the grocery store, we bought pretty much a summers worth of chips. Finishing the day off with a bucket of golf balls and an episode of AGT

Stay tuned for more daily reports

Daily Mile Daily Smile day 1

Today, we introduced the "Daily Mile Daily Smile"  Which is running around the block 2 times and a little bit more. Today my time was 7:49  Distance 1.6 Km.  Pace per Km 4:53. My goal is to try to beat my time every week, and run every day.

Stay tuned for more stats,
