Thursday, July 16, 2015

Warriors : Bluestar's Prophecy - Erin Hunter

This book is about a cat named Bluestar. She is the leader of ThunderClan. It tells how she became leader and the prophecy she received from Goosefeather: Like fire, You will blaze through the forest. She started as Bluekit and she was getting into trouble. Soon she became an apprentice and was named Bluepaw. She was a good apprentice, but in a battle with WindClan, her mother Moonflower was killed. She put it behind her and became a warrior, Bluefur. Her sister Snowpaw also became a warrior and was named Snowfur. Snowfur got killed by getting hit by a car. Bluefur gave up her children to become the deputy of ThunderClan and eventually leader. At the end of the book a house cat named Rusty. Bluestar made him an apprentice and called him Firepaw. 

Favorite part 
My favorite part was when she caught a squirrel on her first try.

It was a good book and very interesting but I think it could have had more action to it.

Stay tuned for more book reports



  1. Wow - lots of tragedy in this book. BlueStar must have a very strong character to be able to survive the loss of his mother and sister.

  2. You commented that the story lacked action, but wasn't there action when the characters died? Or did you mean more action like battles, struggles, conquests, etc? However, you said you liked the book,,so that's good.
    Keep up the good work!
    PS. Interesting that you changed the colour of your entry titles.
    And what a great video!!! I need to keep repeating that you kids are so amazing.

  3. HER mother and sister MOM!!!!!!!
